bashrc in Mac OS

If you are working with CUDA or OpenCV on Mac OS, you need to provide proper paths before you compile. And in some cases you need to give these paths every time you open a terminal. In Linux, there is bashrc file in which we can add all the paths. But in Mac OS, I could not find it. We need to create a profile and it loads every time we open a terminal.

To make your own profile, open the terminal and type

sudo vi /etc/bashrc

At the end of this file, add the following line

source ~/.bashrc

Now if you restart the terminal, you get a warning :

-bash: /Users/username/.bashrc: No such file or directory

Now create this file

vim .bashrc

Add whatever the paths you want into this file. For example, I would add

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr

Save the file.

Now restart the terminal. Whenever you start a terminal from now on all the settings in bashrc file are loaded.

Done and done! 🙂